by Dcwi Nilakrisna (Thesis M.Sc Unesco-IHE, Delft, Netherland, 2016) Supervised by Dr. M. Ridhah Taqwa, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sriati, MS, Dr. Dadang ll Purnama, M. Hum, Prof.Dr.Ir. Robiyanto H. Susanto
This study discusses the conflicts of natural resources caused by discrimination development policies. Social conflict occurs between the private sectors, government who want to developed the oil palm plantation on the large scare with the indigenous people of Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) Batin 9 Sungai Beruang who depends on the forest resources for living.
This phenomenological qualitative study aimed to find strategies to resolve the conflicts. The primary data obtained through direct observation and indepth interviews with various stakeholders, secondary data obtained by literature studies. Data were analized using qualitative descriptive and triangulation techniques to maintain the validity and reliability.
The results shown that the source of the conflict are the fundamental differences in claiming the right of the land. Plantation companies use formal legal (leasehold schemes/Hak Guna Usaha (HGU)) while indigenous people of SAD Batin 9 Sungai Beruang using customary law. The solution is to find the common grounds which is to respect the customoary law for SAD Batin 9 Sungai Beruang people. There are two options to resolve the conflicts, firstly to revise the concession certificates, secondly land redistribution program. Rate option is based on the following criteria: political will, time and cost effectiveness, the odds on the legal side, the reception and the involvement of stakeholders, and opportunities for the settlement of conflict. An assessment of the options concluded that the second option is the best strategy to resolve the conflicts.
Keywords: conflict, policy, natural resource, indigenous people