Improving Water Management for Increasing Production and Conserving Peat Land AreasCase Study Muaro Jambi, Indonesia
By Evi Damayanti – (Thesis M.Si Sriwijaya University, 2013). Supervised by Prof. Charlotte de Fraiture, Ph.D, M.Sc (UNESCO-IHE), Prof. Robiyanto H. Susanto, Ph.D, M.Agr.Sc (Sriwijaya University), F.X. Suryadi, Ph.D, M.Sc (UNESCO-IHE). To ensure the raw material for pulp and paper industries, Indonesia has developed plantation forest in production forest. However, the concession areas of plantation forests often establish on marginal soils such as peat lands. In peat land areas, water management is needed to create condition for optimum production and to keep the groundwater table at an appropriate depth for sustainability of the organic soil. The research was conducted in [...]